Hey there! Long time no see...I've taken a little break from the world of blogging and even from crafting for a bit. You know those times in life when "life" just keeps you busy?!? I'm in a long stretch of "life" right now! ;)
But I have been feeling compelled to post since the tragedy in Newtown, CT on December 14th. I have small children and perhaps that is the reason for my inability to "get over it", but I am still affected daily by this. I still cry, I still think about the beautiful faces in the photos I see everywhere, and I still wish there was something I could do to make a difference.
It's the desire to make a difference, and perhaps in my little way to honor those lives lost, that I have started my own 26 Random Acts Of Kindness in honor of the 26 victims at Sandy Hook Elementary. I saw the idea on a Facebook page and knew I had to participate.
I made up twenty-six tags to hand out or attach to the "acts" for the recipients. If you would like the document for yourself, in order to make your own tags, you can get the file HERE. Just print, cut out and attach or give away when you complete a RAOK!
The photo is of the first tag I gave away, in honor Charlotte Bacon, with an Outback Steakhouse giftcard...placed it on the windshield of a car at the grocery store. :)
I just finished RAOK #11 this morning and it's honestly given me a sense of "healing"...and it brings a smile to my face and the faces of those that are the recipients of the "acts". If you are struggling to cope with the tragedy like I am, I would encourage you to give this a try.
I just finished RAOK #11 this morning and it's honestly given me a sense of "healing"...and it brings a smile to my face and the faces of those that are the recipients of the "acts". If you are struggling to cope with the tragedy like I am, I would encourage you to give this a try.
Here are some ideas that I have done and am planning to do:
1. Pay for the person behind you in line at Starbucks/drive-thru
2. Place $5-10 giftcards in random places where someone will find them (shopping cart, windshield, etc)
3. Leave coins at a soda machine for the next person to come along needing a drink
4. Leaving a gift for someone on their windshield
5. Giving flowers to someone
6. Giving candy or homemade treats to neighbors
7. Leaving cookies for the postman or delivery person
8. Leaving tokens at the merry-go-round for the next kid
9. Leaving diapers/wipes at a public changing station for the next mom
10. Leaving surprises or coins scattered around a playground with a basket for someone to collect them
11. Plugging a gumball machine with quarters for the next person that comes along
12. Leaving coins at a parking meter for the next car
13. Hide dollar bills in the toy section of the Dollar Store
14. Purchase a pack of stamps at leave at the postage machine at the post office for the next person
15. Leave $10 at the gas pump or car wash for the next person
16. Choose a random name out of the phonebook and send that person a small gift
If you have additional suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
I'd also like to share a wonderful tribute page to the Sandy Hook Elementary victims, which I am following on Facebook. I am in no way affiliated with the page, but I wanted to share it so you can see the wonderful tributes going on around the U.S. and the rest of the world for the lives lost December 14.
Finally, I'd also like to share with you an idea for a tribute ornament...I made one to hang on the Christmas tree shorty lafter the tragedy. It will be placed on the tree every year from now on to remember those sweet children and remind me to hold sacred the time I have with my own children. It's a clear glass ornament with the name, age and photo of each victim of Sandy Hook rolled up and placed inside. Outside I've added tulle, feathers for wings and a halo made of beads, making it angel. Simple to make and a great way to remember to thank God for what I have.
Thanks for sharing.... Beautiful ideas! AS a kindergarten teacher the whole thing is just unimaginable to me.
Beautiful card, I love the image and the design.
Thanks for writting
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