
WINNER!!! (Of My Blog Candy) & Reader Inspiration!

I had some AWESOME entries for my blog candy giveaway and I want to announce the winner of the CTMH Stamp Set.......(drum roll, please)'s PinkDalmations for her SUPER-cute "Family" word book!!!
Inside view (last page):
Isn't that adorable???  Congratulations PinkDalmations!!!  Be sure to email me your mailing address and I'll send your stamp set to you! 

Here are the other super-awesome entries I received and I wanted to highlight their beautiful work...thank you to everyone that entered and submitted a project!  You've inspired me and I'm ready to go create!!!  :)

Here's a beautiful painted canvas by Emily:
Here are two awesome painted/altered wall canvases by Laura:
And here is a nifty cookbook rack by PinkDalmations (her other entry) that folds up under the cabinet when not in use:
*Note:  Entries that did not link to a specific project were not considered for the giveaway, as they did not meet the specific requirements of the contest. 

Thanks again ladies, for the AWESOME and inspirations projects!!! :)

***UPDATE: Since it has been over a month and I have not heard back from my winner (after two attempts at contacting her) I will now choose a NEW WINNER!!!  Drum roll, please...EMILY!!!  Congratulations Emily!  This stamp set is sooooo fun and is just waiting for you to come up with something beautiful to use it on!  Thanks again for entering!!!

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