
Book Theater Presentation of "Sheep In A Shop"

This year, I decided to volunteer for a position on the PEO board at the Mess Maker's preschool.  They had the "book theater" position open, so I said I'd volunteer...  MISTAKE!!!  Not because it wasn't fun, or it was hard or anything...just because I had no clue what I was doing!  I have absolutely NO drama/stage experience so I was pretty much flying by the seat of my pants the whole time!

I chose the book Sheep In A Shop by Nancy Shaw...such an adorable story!  The Mess Maker's school is turning 30 this year, so I needed a birthday-themed book and this one fit the bill perfectly.
I struggled trying to find volunteers for the the roles, even with no speaking parts!  But I finally wrangled in some friends to complete the lineup (above).  It went off without a hitch and I think everyone liked it...I haven't heard otherwise anyway!

Here are some photos of the show:
to everyone who helped and volunteered, both as actors and behind the scenes...I appreciate you!  :)


  1. It was so fun!!! I honestly don't know why more people don't volunteer. I'm totally on board for next year. As long as I'm not promoted. ;)

  2. HAHAHAHA! I am going to recommend you for the lead, Colby...already sent your name to Linda!

    J/K :)


I'd love to hear what you think! :)