
Paper Flower Topiaries!!!


This is the project I've been working on!  I've been wanting to make these ever since I first saw a paper flower!  But, if I'm being completely honest, the task seemed soooooo overwhelming to me.  But, Spring has arrived and I'm ready and so I thought my house needed to be ready, too!  :)

These really weren't hard at all, just somewhat time-consuming.  But worth it I think.  Here's what I used:
Floral Foam (for inside vase)
6" Round Styrofoam Ball
Wood Dowel
Acrylic Paint
Excelsior Moss (wrapped around dowel)
Reindeer Moss (glued onto ball)
Paper Flowers
I made two of these...one for each end of my dining room table.  First, I painted the dowels.  When they were dry, I hot glued them into the floral foam that was inserted into the vases.  Then I hot glued reindeer moss (had never heard of this stuff until today when I was browsing the "Moss Aisle" at Hobby Lobby) all over the styrofoam balls.  I adhered my paper flowers and leaves over the moss.  Then I inserted the dowels into the bottom of each ball.  I rolled excelsior moss in my hands like you would with play-doh, and then twisted it around the dowels and hot glued it in place.  Then I just tied the ribbons!

Okay, now I need your opinion...my photography skills could very obviously be better....so I need some input as to whether my crafts look better when photographed on a white background (top photo) or a black background (bottom photo).  I need honest opinions!

This project was entered at Me & My Bucket:

Thanks for looking and have a creative day!!!  :)


  1. Wow, looks like it was certainly worth the time... beautiful!

  2. What a fabulous project! I imagine they will look great sitting on your dining room table.

    To answer your question, I think it is much easier to see on the white background.

  3. WOW is right. Those are just beautiful.

    In my opinion, both photos show up great on the blog page. When u click on the photo to get a better view, the white one shows alot better. But one idea is to enlarge the size of the pic after it's clicked. It's a little too small. I would like to see more detail.


  4. You knocked these out of the park!! I LOVE them!! They are beautiful!! Great job!!

    I DO NOT think you need new photo skills!! (Observe mine anytime you want to feel better!!) However, the white background showed up a little better on my monitor.

    Thanks for sharing!! AWESOME idea!!

  5. Totally beautiful!!! I totally go with the white background.

  6. First of all, the topiaries are absolutely beautiful. As for the background, I would stick with the white unless what you're photographing is all light in color, then go with a darker color. I get so many wonderful ideas from you and the others! Thanks!

  7. I think they are beautiful, great job. I know how time consuming this project was. I just finished a Birthday card I love the flowers and the 3 diminsional aspect. What a breath of spring!!


I'd love to hear what you think! :)