
I Was Featured At "Me & My Bucket"!!!

Ever heard of  a "Linky Party"?  I hadn't until my friend told me about them.  And I found this super-cute blog called Me & My Bucket and thought I'd enter my little tin accordion album:
And guess what?  I was one of the top three featured projects...woo hoo!!!

I am so honored that Jessica likes my project so much.  Go check out her blog and all of the FABULOUS ideas featured there...it's truly an inspiring place to visit!  :)


  1. Super cute Lori! I'm going to check out Me & My Bucket :)

  2. Lori,

    You are such a doll for giving me the great shout out!! But seriously, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!! You have such stinkin' cute stuff!!! I'm so glad you found me so I could find you :)



I'd love to hear what you think! :)