
Another Blog Award...WOO HOO!

Wow, I am so honored that THREE different crafty ladies sent me the Sunshine Award...thanks ladies!!!  This award was given to me by the following AWESOME crafters/bloggers:

Okay, now I have to pass it along to 6 other individuals who inspire me...how can I narrow it down???  Since I've already given the Beautiful Blogger award out to 15, I'll send this one to 6 different people.  You know, to spread the SUNSHINE!!!  :)

1.  Elizabeth at:  http://animalscraps.blogspot.com/
2.  Dawn at:  http://www.dawnsstampingthoughts.net/
3.  Patti at:  http://creationsbypatti.blogspot.com/
4.  Aymee at:  http://southernbellescrapper.blogspot.com/
5.  Crystal at:  http://www.crystalandakiko.com/

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE these ladies and their blogs...go check out their AMAZING creations!  :)


  1. OMGosh!! Thank you so much.. Wow!! what a wonderful surprise to wake up to.. Thank you so much..

  2. WOW!! How lovely that I inspire you! You have truly wonderful creations I so love learning how to make. Thank you for the *YOU*! Thanks so much! Ea


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