
Race Car Birthday Party!

It's been WAAAAAAY to long since my last post...especially since my last "crafty" post.  Trying to do better!  Life seems to have gotten super-busy lately and I feel like I haven't been able to spend nearly the time creating fun things that I used to.  (sigh)

But a birthday party is a good (necessary) excuse to get my craft on!  The Noise Maker, who lately has truly earned that name, just turned three years old.  Can't believe it...my baby is getting so big!  He LOVES cars.  And when I say "love", I mean it's the only thing that holds his interest for more than about 5 minutes.  The kid might end up being a mechanic he loves them so much.  Anywho...

He specifically requested a "race car" party...not "Cars" (the movie) which would have been MUCH easier to produce given the amount of commercialized party goods out there!  So, I decided to go with his favorite colors (orange and green) and searched the web for ideas.  NOTHING.  No one else's kids like orange and green I guess.  So, I started from scratch.

One idea I did find online was the "street" table runner (above)...thanks Pinterest!  I cut a black plastic tablecloth into thirds lengthwise (to use for three tables).  Then I added pieces of white duct tape for lines down the middle.  Instant race track!  The party store had some inexpensive toy cars that I placed on the "road" for entertainment at cupcake time.
Laid over a bright green tablecloth, the race track really popped.  I used black "charger" paper plates and topped them with black and white checkered flag plates.  Orange napkins tied with checkered ribbon held the utensils.
We had the party at a park, where the kids could play on the plaground equipment, in the splash pad (it's already splash pad weather here in South Texas!), or run around in the grassy fields.  We had several other activities for them to participate in as well...

My favorite were the race car stampers that the kids could run over the giant ink pads and print tracks onto paper with:
I got them from Orietal Trading.  The wheels remove for easy cleaning and the kids seemed to really like them!
We also had a race car Bean Bag Toss game, which I got on clearance at Oriental Trading:
We also had race car sticker pages and race car tattoos for the kids.  For food, I made green and orange cupcakes with checkered flag toppers (Oriental Trading), race car shaped pretzels (Wal-Mart) and apple and grape cars (idea found on Pinterest)...
The Noise Maker had a slight "accident" with his cupcake...he tipped the plate it was on and it actually fell onto his forehead where he got a tiny little burn. Oops...mom of the year, here.
I also wanted to share the super-cute car shirt my friend Shera (aka Sew Sweet Princess) made for him...how stinkin' cute is this?  Thanks, Shera!!!
Despite the candle incident, he had a blast and I think his friends did, too.  I forgot to take a pic of the party favors, but they were little baggies with a HotWheels car, mini play-doh, race car tattoo and candy.

Happy Birthday to my Little Man...I love you, buddy!  :)


Meet Lucy, the Goldendoodle

I'm a Golden Girl...I love Golden Retrievers!  I've had them since I can remember, as a child starting with Lady Daffodil (Daffy), then Daisy, then Lilly, and then when I got married I got Duke (aka co-chairman of smelliness).  Since losing Duke and Sammy (Pekingese), it's just been too quiet around here.  At first I was excited that I didn't have hairballs around every corner.  But a clean house is a boring house, right?!?!  And that longing for a furry friend started tugging at my heart strings...

I did a little research and discovered a "breed" of dog called a Goldendoodle...part Golden Retriever and part Poodle.  Honestly, I've never been a huge fan of poodles.  But then again, I've never really known one either.  :)  We found a wonderful breeder and picked her brain about them.  After speaking with her and seeing the adorable images around the web, I was hooked!

Goldendoodles are basically wavy Golden Retrievers that don't shed.  YIPPEEEEEE!  The coat depends a lot on the breed of the mother.  I learned that breeding female Golden Retrievers to male Poodles will give the soft, wavy coat as opposed to a kinky curly coat.  And the size depends on the size of the parents, namely the Poodle.

We couldn't be more excited to be adding a new member to our family...of the furry type that is!  Lucy Rose is about 5 weeks old and will be ready to come home in a few short weeks.  Since birth, we have received weekly updates and photos of our little cutie...can't wait to actually meet her n person!

Litter of Goldendoodle puppies, with mom Dolly...16 in all!
Christmas Photo: 
2 weeks: 
3 weeks:
4 weeks:
5 weeks:
Cute, right?!  :)